Q: When and where does BTSH play?
A: BTSH games take place on Sundays with games typically running between 12 pm and 6 pm. BTSH plays at Tompkins Square Park on the blacktop located on the corner of East 10th Street and Avenue A.
Q: What does the BTSH schedule look like?
A: BTSH conducts one season each calendar year. The season typically begins in April and ends in November, with time off for major holidays and other scheduled breaks. Each team plays 18 games and all participate in the postseason.
Q: Oh no! The season has already begun! Is it too late to join?
A: Not at all! Teams can and will add new players to their rosters throughout the season. Free agents are also called upon when teams have low attendance and need some help!
Q: How does free agency work?
A: The league typically holds free agent scrimmages before the season in which teams may recruit new players to join the team. Throughout the season, captains will also reach out to free agents when in need of players on a temporary or permanent basis!
Q: What equipment do I need to play in BTSH?
A: A hockey stick and athletic footwear are required and gloves are highly recommended. Some players opt to wear other protective equipment, such as helmets, eye protection, and shin pads. The league also owns one set of goaltending equipment that each team can reserve as needed.
Q: How competitive is BTSH?
A: BTSH appreciates good-natured competition and we clearly care enough to publish standings and statistics and award a year-end champion. That being said, this is a non-contact social league and the rules reflect as much. Ball hockey inevitably introduces incidental contact but there is no tolerance for aggressive play or hostile behavior. If you cross the line, you will be reprimanded and you won’t endear yourself to what is ultimately a big community of friends hanging out on the weekend.
Q: What does a BTSH game look like?
A: Each team fields six players at a time (five plus a goaltender) and at least two players on the court must be female, non-binary, or genderqueer. Each game is two 25-minute halves with changes on-the-fly. We embrace the rustic nature of street hockey and work within the quirks and asymmetries of the courts on which we play.

For the full BTSH rules, check out our rulebook!

Q: How many teams are there in BTSH?
A: There are currently 20 teams in BTSH. Each team is run by at least one captain who organizes the roster, represents the team regarding various league matters, and leads the team on gameday.
Q: How much does it cost to play in BTSH?
A: Each team pays a collective fee once per season and it is up to the captain of each team to determine its specific per-player cost. Therefore, we cannot give an exact, universal answer. However, BTSH is a non-profit entity and we take pride in making the league more affordable than most other social sports leagues in New York City.
Q: I can’t commit to being available to play ball hockey every single Sunday for eight-straight months. Is that a problem?
A: Perfect attendance in BTSH is rare. Whether you have tickets to The Lion King on Broadway, planned a birthday brunch with friends, or are even spending a month abroad, life happens and nobody will fault you for missing some games. Do keep in mind that each player is required to play at least six regular season games in order to be eligible to play in the playoffs.
Q: What is the league like socially?
A: BTSH offers a great opportunity to meet new people! Players will often hang out at the courts before and after their own games and the league will hold various events throughout the year. Of course, if you simply want to show up to play hockey and head home then that’s totally fine as well!
Q: I and a bunch of my buddies want to create a new team in BTSH. Is that possible?
A: The league is currently at its maximum capacity of 20 teams. There are instances in which an existing team folds and groups can petition to form a new team but that is done on an as-needed basis.
Q: Are there other ball hockey leagues in New York City?
A: Yes! Maybe you’re not available on Sundays or maybe you’re looking to play more than once per week. Fortunately, there are other opportunities around the city.

Many members of BTSH also participate in the following leagues: